Mostly my own shawls & scarves |
Brighstone Craft Fair my table |
What an interesting 2 days I have had, but a steep learning curve. Thursday was at the school and I shared the stall with Rachael (a friend) who sells Gluten/sugar/dairy free produce. I had couple of people who took my information and seemed interested in taking it further, but also I spoke to a teacher who possible would like to start an after school club for knitting. Rachael did well and sold about half of her stuff.
Yesterday was all day. Everybody there was helpful and friendly. Of the people who took information a few seemed really interested, and a parent said she was going to suggest to the head of the Primary school about a knitting after school club, so maybe something will come of that.
I have got a small ball of rabbit/merino wool to try out. One of the ladies was spinning. If I like it there is a possibility of buying locally spun yarn to make scarves etc which would be great. Also I was put into contact with a shop in Newport which sells locally made things. They rent out shelves for £10 a month so it will be something to look into.
I played around at displaying things, after these photos were taken, and I opened a shawl and a few scarves and I noticed that people stopped and looked more. Also another stall was using a clothes-horse which was vertical rather than at an angle so I will look out for one of those. I did not take my tailors dummy which I think I should have.
Basically a successful two days.